*Joseph Lisowski - Special Feature*  *Poems of WWIII - Chuck Levenstein*
Issue 84  January/February 2008     *Added Poetry Feature - Anne Whitehouse*  *Book Review Keith Nunes*

New Poems

Penny Bayless
Gary Beck
George Bishop
Rumjhum Biswas
Robert Bradshaw
Christian A. Bryant
Pris Campbell
Juliet Cook
Barbara De Franceschi
Andrew Dugas
Jack Galmitz
Kit Kennedy

Artwork by Verstov Aleksandr

courtesy GallArt.ru

New Poems

Julie Kovacs
Michael Levy
Joseph McDonough
Ashok Niyogi
Rob Omura
          Lori Romero         
Peter Schwartz
Nic Sebastian
Vincent Spina
Geoff Stevens
Levi Wagenmaker
Wayne H.W. Wolfson

Submission Info
Special Call
Wonder Drugs
Book Review Info
Visit www.capasio.com
 Peter Krok's new book - LOOKING for an EYE - Info here  and  Patrick Carrington's new chapbook - Hard Blessings.- Info here
J.R. Campbell's poems and stories - The Fires on Dolores' Mountain - Info here
